Power Move Flex Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions (the Terms) apply to ‘Power Move Flex’ (Power Move Flex). Please read these Terms carefully. These Terms are in addition to, and don’t replace, our Core Energy Supply Terms and Conditions (Core Terms) or any other terms which may apply to your OVO plan and the CrowdFlex Trial Terms.
All defined terms in the Core Terms or CrowdFlex Trial Terms will have the same meaning when used in these terms unless otherwise stated.
1. About Power Move Flex
1.1 OVO are rewarding customers for simply shifting non-essential electricity use out of times when demand is higher, or into times when demand is lower. Or for plugging in their EV to their EV charger, to be used to help provide flexibility to the grid.
When you sign up to Power Move Flex, we’ll let you know what action to take and how you’ll be rewarded.
You’ll be participating in either:
- Power Up events (when there’s low demand on the grid) and Power Down events (when there’s high demand on the grid)
- Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime (OVO to optimise your EV charging to provide flexibility to the grid in times of high or low demand, through Charge Anytime)
1.2 For Power Up and Power Down events, you’ll need to shift your electricity usage either into a specific time period (due to low demand) or out of a specific time period (due to high demand).
You’ll be rewarded for any electricity you use either above or below what you’d usually use (baseline). This’ll be paid as energy credit to your bill - see section 4 for more details.
For Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, you’ll be rewarded for the time your EV is spent connected to your EV charger. We’ll optimise your charging so your vehicle is charged to the amount you set, at the ready-by-time you set. You won’t, however, be paid for the electricity shifted above or below what you’d usually use, if your charging is optimised in line with Power Up and Power Down events. This’ll be paid as energy credit to your bill - see section 4 for more details.
What’s the difference between a Power Up event, a Power Down event and Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime?
1.3 Power Move Flex is rewarding you for using electricity outside of peak times, when the grid is greener, or rewarding you for allowing OVO to optimise your EV charging, through Charge Anytime, to provide flexibility to the grid during these peak times.
1.4 At peak times of the day, typically around 7pm, there are high levels of demand on the energy grid. But renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, by nature, can be unpredictable. So this demand on the grid doesn’t always match how much renewable power is being generated. And when there’s not enough to go around, dirtier, carbon-heavy fossil fuel gets used to fill the gap.
Power Move Flex helps match the demand to the power being generated. So your home uses cleaner, greener energy.
Power Up events - you’ll be asked to shift your electricity usage into this time period. Remember - this is typical day to day activities, the purpose is to not use more electricity than you usually would in total.
Power Down events - you’ll be asked to shift your electricity usage out of this time period – that means running energy intensive tasks outside of these times.
Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime - you'll be asked to plug your EV charger into your EV as much as possible. Your vehicle’s charging will be optimised through Charge Anytime, in line with Power Up and Power Down events, so you’ll still have your vehicle charged by its ‘ready-by-time’ time.
By shifting when you use your electricity or allowing us to do it for you, you’ll be helping to balance the demand on the grid.
How will OVO charge my EV if I sign up to Power Move Flex?
1.5 OVO will control your EV charging as outlined in the Charge Anytime add-on terms and conditions. By taking part in Power Move Flex, you’re allowing OVO and Charge Anytime to optimise your charging in Power Up and Power Down events.
In Power Up events, Charge anytime may choose to charge your vehicle as there’s less demand on the grid. And in Power Down events Charge Anytime may choose to pause your charging when there’s high demand on the grid.
Charge Anytime will still charge your EV to the amount you set, at the ready-by-time you set.
How can I join Power Move Flex?
1.6 You can join Power Move Flex if you ’re an OVO customer with a smart meter that’s sending half-hourly readings and meet the Eligibility Criteria (see section 2). Power Move Flex is currently an invitation only product and we’ll be inviting customers to sign up via email from April 2024. You may also receive a notification to opt in, or be auto-enrolled from one series of events to another.
How does Power Move Flex work with Power Move?
1.7 Power Move Flex is designed to reward customers for using electricity outside of peak times, when the grid is greener, or rewarding them for allowing OVO to optimise their EV charging to provide flexibility to the grid during these peak times.
1.8 Power Move Flex is in addition to other energy flexibility schemes at OVO such as Power Move or Charge Anytime. This allows you to unlock more savings off your energy bill by shifting your electricity use either into low demand times or out of high demand times.
1.9 You’re able to sign up to Power Move Flex alongside Power Move, either taking part in both schemes or only in one. Any credit earned from Power Move Flex will be in addition to the monthly credit earned in a Power Move challenge.
1.10 If you are a Charge Anytime customer, we'll automatically incorporate Power Up or Power Down events into the Smart Charging functionality we provide, wherever we can. There may be occasions where we are not able to align your EV charging to an event, for example if it conflicts with your charging schedule.
2. Eligibility
2.1 To be eligible for Power Move Flex - Power Up and Power Down events, you must meet the following criteria:
- have a communicating electricity smart meter
- your smart meter can be credit or Pay As You Go (PAYG)
- have a smart meter that is single rate (meaning you only pay a single, flat rate for your electricity) or economy-7
- opt in to half-hourly meter readings
- have an active email address
- have OVO as your energy provider
- follow with these Terms and the Core Terms
(the Eligibility Criteria)
2.2 To be eligible for Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, you’ll need to meet the following criteria:
Have the OVO Charge Anytime add on
have a communicating electricity smart meter that is a credit meter
have a smart meter that is single rate (meaning you only pay a single, flat rate for your electricity) or economy-7
opt in to half-hourly meter readings
have an active email address
have OVO as your energy provider
follow with these Terms and the Core Terms, and Charge Anytime Terms
2.3 Unfortunately there may be some types of credit and single rate smart meters that won’t work with Power Move Flex. If you have an ineligible meter you won’t be able to join.
2.4 Unfortunately there may be some types of EV Charger that won’t work with Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime. If you have an ineligible charger you won’t be able to join.
2.5 If at any time you fail to meet the Eligibility Criteria, including no longer opting in to receive emails about Power Move Flex, email marketing consent or half-hourly meter readings, then we reserve the right to end your participation in Power Move Flex and you won’t receive any Power Move Flex credit.
3. How does Power Move Flex work?
Power Up and Power Down Events
3.1 For Power Up and Power Down events, We’ll notify you to tell you when the grid is either going to be in low or high demand (via email and SMS)
We’ll send you a notification to let you know a time period during a specific day (e.g. between 4pm and 5pm) when we think the grid is likely to see low or high demand.
3.2 By signing up to receive Power Up and Power Down events, you’ll be automatically opted in to receive all events.
3.3 You won’t be able to opt out of a specific event, you’d have to opt out of the Power Move Flex (see Section 6). There’s no obligation for you to take part in every event, and theres no penalty for not taking part.
3.4 We are under no obligation to confirm the number of events or the value of these events in advance.
3.5 You may not be automatically entered into every event, as each event will have its own entry parameters, which may mean it is not suitable for you to take part. This will depend on external factors, such as if your car is plugged in, energy market prices, your charging schedule etc.
You'll get a reward for any electricity you either use or don’t use (dependent on the event type) compared to how much you’d use normally
3.6 For a Power Up event, you’ll need to shift your typical day to day activities into this time window. You’ll be rewarded for any usage you use above this target.
For a Power Down event you’ll need to reduce the amount of non-essential electricity you use to below this target by shifting it to another time, when the grid is greener. If you do this you’ll get a reward for that event.
There’s no penalty for using more during a Power Down event, or using less during a Power Up event.
3.7 For a Power Up event - if you’re able to increase your electricity usage to above your normal usage, we'll reward you with energy credit for every kWh of electricity usage you shift above your target. This price will vary per event and you’ll be told what the value is in your email or SMS notification. This’ll be paid to you in the form of credit to your bill.
For a Power Down event - if you're able to reduce your electricity usage to below your normal usage for each event, we’ll reward you with energy credit for every kWh of electricity usage you shift below your target. This price will vary per event and you’ll be told what the value is in your email and/or SMS notification. This’ll be paid to you in the form of credit to your bill.
3.8 Your total reward will depend on how much electricity you can move above or below your normal usage (depending on the event type) and the price set per event.
3.9 If you don’t reduce your electricity use either above or below your normal usage (depending on the event type) then you won’t receive a reward for that event.
3.10 Each month the bill credit you receive through these rewards will vary depending on:
- The number of Power Up or Power Down events there are
- The reward value of the events (each event may have a different £/kWhreward value)
- If you’ve either increased or reduced your electricity usage above or below your normal usage (depending on the event type)
3.11 If your smart meter isn’t communicating you won’t be able to receive a reward. This is because we won’t have the data we need to correctly calculate your energy usage.
For Utilisation
3.12 If you’re part of Power Up and Power Down events, and you join Charge Anytime, you’ll still be able to continue taking part in Power Up and Power Down events, but your EV charging won’t be optimised alongside these events and you’ll need to plug in/unplug your charger during event times.
Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime
3.13 By signing up to Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, you’ll be opting in to allow OVO to optimise your charging in line with all Power Up and Power Down events, through Charge Anytime.
3.14 To opt out of Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, you’d have to opt out of the Power Move Flex (see Section 6). There’s no obligation for you to take part in every event, and theres no penalty for not taking part.
3.15 Participants will not be notified of when the Power up and Power Down events will be occurring, (including those that fall within the charging schedule). Charge Anytime will still deliver the required quantity of energy at the ready-by-time set by the user.
3.16 Your EV may not be charged in line with Power Up and Power Down events. This will depend on external factors, such as if your car is plugged in, energy market prices, your charging schedule etc.
3.17 If your EV charger or compatible EV goes offline at any point for any reason, or if you’re disconnected for any reason, we won't will not be able to record plug-in duration during this time. This means your total Power Move Flex credits may be affected.
You'll get a reward for plugging your vehicle in and allowing OVO to optimise your charging during Power Up and Power Down events. You won’t be rewarded for any energy shifted above or below your normal usage as a result of your charging being optimised in line with these events.
4. Power Move Flex Credit
How much will I receive as a reward?
4.1 For Power Up and Power Down events, we all use different amounts of electricity within our homes, so it’s difficult to know exactly how much you’ll earn as a reward. Your reward is directly linked to how much you use either above or below your normal usage (depending on the event type) and the price set per event (£/kWh). This may vary per event.
4.2 There is no guarantee that you will earn a minimum reward amount from taking part in Power Move Flex.
4.3 For Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, you’ll be paid an availability payment which will be outlined in your welcome email. The reward value and requirements may vary from time to time and you’ll be notified beforehand of any changes.
How your reward is paid
4.4 The reward is applied as credit directly to your bill. You’ll be credited each month with the sum of all rewards earned in the previous month. For example, for any rewards earned in September, you’ll receive energy credit in October.
4.5 If you pay by Direct Debit, the Direct Debit amount you pay per month won’t change. The energy credit will show as a separate line item on your bill.
4.6 If your account has a negative balance, any reward paid will be used to pay off what’s owed.
4.7 There’s no cash alternative to the reward, and it’ll be paid as energy credit on your bill only.
What happens if I don’t meet the criteria to receive a reward?
4.8 For a Power Up event, you won’t be eligible to receive any reward if you don’t increase your electricity use to above your normal usage.
For a Power Down event, you won’t be eligible to receive any reward for an event if you don’t reduce your electricity use to below your normal usage.
For Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, you won’t be eligible to receive any plug-in reward if you don’t meet the minimum criteria to receive a reward, outlined in your welcome email.
5. Ending your participation in Power Move Flex
5.1 You can opt out of Power Move Flex at any time by pressing the opt out button on any email you’ve received relating to Power Move Flex, Power Up or Power Down events and any Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime emails.
If you switch away
5.2 You’re free to switch away at any time (unless you owe us money, in which case we may stop your switch until the money is paid). If you switch away at any point when you’re signed up to Power Up and Power Down events, we’ll end your participation in Power Move Flex and you won’t receive any Power Move Flex credit accrued from the last time you were credited up to and including your switch date. You’ll find further information about switching away from OVO in our Core Terms.
If you move home
5.3 If you move home at any point whilst signed up to Power Move Flex, we’ll be unable to sign you back up
If you’re taking part in Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime and remove Charge Anytime
5.4 If you remove your Charge Anytime add on, we reserve the right to end your participation in Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime.
When we can terminate your participation in Power Move Flex
5.5 If you don’t comply with these Terms or our Core Terms, including where you don’t pay your bills or if you no longer meet any of our Eligibility Criteria, we reserve the right to end your participation in Power Move Flex. This would happen with immediate effect and you’ll no longer be eligible to receive the energy credit for any Power Up and Power Down events you’ve participated in or Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime you have provided.
For Availability:
5.6 If you’re on Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime, and you remove the Charge Anytime add on, you’ll be removed from Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime. We’re unable to transfer you over to Power Up and Power Down events.
6. Changes to Power Move Flex
6.1 We can make changes to these Terms, Power Up and Power Down events and Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime at any time. These changes may include, but are not limited to, changing the amount of energy credit payable, amending or withdrawing Power Move Flex, or reducing the time Power Move Flex is available for. Where we make any changes that affect you negatively, we’ll give you reasonable notice. We reserve the right to refuse access to Power Move Flex at our sole discretion, even where you meet the Eligibility Criteria.
7. Contacting Us
7.1 If you have any questions about Power Move Flex, please get in touch with us via webchat.
8. Contacting You
8.1 By signing up to Power Move Flex, you’re agreeing to receive communications in relation to Power Move Flex, Power Up and Power Down events, and Power Move Flex for Charge Anytime for the entirety of the time you’re opted in (unless you later choose to opt out of Power Move Flex). It’s your responsibility to make sure your email address is kept up to date in order to receive our emails. If you need to change your email address or mobile number, you can do this in your online account.
8.2 We may share your contact details (name and email address) with our trusted third-party research agency partners, as mentioned in our Privacy Policy. This is so they can contact you for feedback on your experience of Power Up and Power Down events. Your data won’t be used for marketing purposes unless you’ve opted in to receive marketing from us.
9. General
9.1 We won’t be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of your participation in Power Move Flex where such loss or damage cannot be excluded by law.
9.2 These Terms are governed by English Law and any dispute arising in relation to these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.