Power Move

Think small. Win big.

Get the chance to win prizes, just by using power at greener times of the day. A year’s free energy is up for grabs every month – for at least 5 lucky winners. 

Sign up to Power Move to enter our prize draw. First, you need to unlock Beyond in our app for free. Download for iOS or Android.

Illustration of house

It’s not watt, it’s when

Power Move is all about using energy in a way that's better for the planet. It doesn't mean using less. You just have to use energy at greener times of the day.

Because, at peak times, there's more demand for energy. So it's harder for the UK to run on renewable power alone. If people use energy at off-peak hours instead, our country shouldn’t need to rely on fossil fuels as much.

The more power you move, the more chances you have to win.

Join Power Move
Woman dries hair with hairdryer

It’s not watt, it’s when

Power Move is all about using energy in a way that's better for the planet. It doesn't mean using less. You just have to use energy at greener times of the day.

Because, at peak times, there's more demand for energy. So it's harder for the UK to run on renewable power alone. If people use energy at off-peak hours instead, our country shouldn’t need to rely on fossil fuels as much.

The more power you move, the more chances you have to win.

Join Power Move
Woman dries hair with hairdryer

How Power Move works

Step 1

Join Power Move in Beyond. It’s our free Energy Savings Account that rewards you for being with us.

Download for iOS or Android.

Step 2

Start using non-essential energy at greener times of the day.

The lower your peak energy use, the more prize draw entries you get.

Step 3

Check the app to see how you’re getting on week by week.

There are over 10,000 prizes to be won every month, so we'll let you know if you're one of our winners.

This month’s prizes

Year’s free energy

5 prizes


200 prizes


22,850 prizes

Free energy for up to a year

This is our star prize. It’s currently set at £2,000 in line with the energy price cap. And it gets awarded as energy credit over 12 months.1

So if you win in January, the credit will be added to your bill in February, and every month up to the following January. You won’t get the remaining prize balance if you leave OVO before the last payment.

The hours to watch out for

Right now, peak hours are between 5pm and 7pm from Monday to Friday.

How we work out your energy use

Imagine your home uses 240 kilowatt hours (kWh) in a month, and 12 kWh during peak times. We work out your peak energy use as a percentage, like this:

(12 kWh ÷ 240 kWh) x 100 = 5%

You’ll enter our prize draw every month your peak energy use is less than 15%. The lower the percentage, the more prize draw entries you earn – and the better your chances of winning.

It all adds up

Simple changes

Power Move can be as easy as timing the washing machine or dishwasher to run earlier, drying your hair a little later, or charging your laptop or electric car overnight.

Bigger steps

Going off-peak is a great way to win prizes and help the UK use less power from dirty fossil fuels. If we can make small changes together, we’ll take bigger steps on the Path to Zero.

Join Power Move today

Log in to Beyond to get started. Don’t have the app? Download it on iOS or Android to unlock exclusive rewards for free.

The Power Move prize draw starts from 1 February 2025, and the first draw is in March. Afterwards, all entries will be drawn the following month. To join, you need to pay for your energy by Direct Debit and have a smart meter set up.

Check our FAQs to find out more. Power Move terms also apply.

Important information:

1 A year’s free energy is calculated in line with Ofgem’s average Energy Price Cap for January-March 2025 for customers paying by Direct Debit, which is worked out based on a 2-3 bedroom house, with 2 to 3 occupants using 11,500 kWh gas and 2,700 kWh electricity per year. Credit may not equal one year’s free energy if you are a higher than average user or if the price cap were to increase beyond current forecasts. We’ll pay it as energy bill credit in 12 monthly instalments. For example, if you win a year's free energy in January, the credit would be applied to your bill in February and each following month up to the last payment in January the following year.