With a Pay As You Go meter, you pay for your energy in advance by topping up. Exactly how you top up depends on the meter(s) you have.
Topping up a smart meter
You can top up in the OVO Energy Top-up app or online, as well as in person at selected shops. If you have a smart Pay As You Go meter, check out our smart meter topping up guide.
Topping up a traditional meter
You can top up in person at selected shops with a top-up card or key. If you have a traditional Pay As You Go meter, check out our traditional meter topping up guide.
When to top up
Keep an eye on your meter balance, as you'll need to top up when your balance is running low. Important: you could lose power if you don’t add credit before your balance reaches £0. If you can’t top up, each meter has emergency credit to keep you going until you can. Any emergency credit used will be repaid in full from your next top-up.
If you can’t afford to top up
If your emergency credit runs out and you can’t afford to top up, please contact us. Just click the green chat icon at the bottom right of your screen or call us on 0330 175 9669 – we’re here to help.
Explore our meter guides
Need more help with your meter? Check out our easy-to-follow guides on topping up, reconnecting your meter, activating emergency credit, and troubleshooting common issues.