Meters and In-Home Displays (IHD)Energy advice

What to expect when we visit to read your meter

Sometimes we might visit you to read your meter. Or, if you’re on the Priority Services Register you might have asked us to read your meter on a regular basis. Here’s how it all works.

Who will come to read my meter?

We work with a company called Morrison Data Services who do all of our on site meter readings. 

If you’re on the Priority Services Register and have asked for help reading your meter, a meter reader from Morrison Data Services will visit about once a quarter.

If you’re not on the Priority Services Register, we might still visit to read your meter if we’ve not had a reading for some time. If you have a smart meter, we’ll send a reader around once a year to take a reading. Energy suppliers have to do this at least once per year due to regulations.

How can I be sure the meter reader is really visiting on OVO Energy business?

All meter readers will carry an ID badge showing:

  • Company name

  • Photo 

  • Meter reader name 

  • Expiry date 

  • ID number

  • Morrison Data Services telephone number 

If you want to confirm their identity, you can phone the number on their ID badge. 


A Morrison Data Services meter reader

If you’re on the Priority Services Register, and have agreed a password for the engineer to use when they arrive, now’s the time to ask for it. If you’ve forgotten your password, or want to set one up, give us a call on 0330 303 5063 (Monday to Friday, 8am till 6pm) or speak to one of our friendly advisers via online chat

Will I know when to expect the meter reader?

Unfortunately, we can’t usually arrange a date to read your meter. Morrison Data Services read meters for other energy suppliers, not just us. This means they’re more efficient, and helps us keep costs down for you.

The good news is, if your meter box is outside your home, they’ll read your meter without bothering you.

Sometimes Morrison Data Services might need to arrange a visit to access your meter. We’ll usually do this over the phone.

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