You can get a new meter key/card from any shop that stocks replacement OVO Energy keys/cards.
But before you go, you’ll need to give us a call to let us know you’re going to get a new key/card. We’ll provide you with an 8-digit ‘TAG’ code within an hour.
Give this code to the shop assistant and they’ll be able to set up your new key/card with our rates and other relevant information so you can register it when you get home.
If you don’t need to top-up urgently, we can send you an already programmed key/card in the post. You’ll get it within 3-5 days.
Before you add any credit with your new key/card, please register it in the meter. If you try to do a top-up before registering your key/card, the credit could be wiped.
You can call us on 0330 175 9669.
Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm
Weekends: 9am to 5pm
Need more help with your meter? Check out our easy-to-follow guides on topping up, reconnecting your meter, activating emergency credit, and troubleshooting common issues.
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