Meters and In-Home Displays (IHD)Smart meters

What to do if your smart meter isn’t sending readings

ButtonWhat it does
0This displays the date and time 
1Press once to see today’s energy use, and twice for yesterday’s 
2Press once for this week’s energy use, and twice for last week’s 
3Press once for this month’s energy use, and twice for last month’s 
4See up to 12 month’s energy use, by month 
5Displays CO2 data for the current hour, day, yesterday, last week, and last month  
6Tariff details: plan name; standing charge; what you’ve used; cost per unit 
7This button doesn’t have a useful function for you – just ignore it 
8This button doesn’t have a useful function for you – just ignore it 
9See your meter readings (if you’re on Economy 7, press
AUsed by prepayment members only. Switches the display to vend entry mode; serves as backspace key during vending; enables Emergency Credit when made available; initiates supply reconnection from ‘READY' state. 
BUse this button to wake up the display and scroll back through the display sequence