Meters and In-Home Displays (IHD)Meter readings
Understanding your gas meter screens
Just press and hold the red “A” button until it beeps to get to the next display.
Here’s what the display symbols mean:
01 | How much of your last top-up is being used to pay off debt on your meter |
02 | How much of your last top-up is being used to pay back any emergency credit you may have used |
03 | How much of your last top-up is being used to pay for your gas supply |
09 or 10 | Price you pay per unit of gas |
17 | Your standing charge (per day) |
21 | How low your credit needs to fall before you can access your emergency credit |
22 | How much emergency credit you can access |
24 | What percentage of credit will be used to pay back the money you owe |
The amounts shown on 01, 02, 03 will add up to the amount of 00.
Put your payment card into your meter to see the next displays:
25 | Minimum debt repayment the meter will take each week |
26 | Maximum debt repayment the meter will take each week |
27 | Total amount of debt that still needs to be paid back through your meter |
32 | Your registered gas card number |