There’s lots of help and independent advice to save money on energy bills, switch energy supplier and stay on top of your spending.
Energy can feel like a complicated business. Here at OVO, we work hard to make things more straightforward. That means giving you advice and answers when you need them – it’s what this area of our website is about.
FAQ shortcuts
You can get information on all kinds of topics, including:
But sometimes you’ll be keen to get an independent take on things.
Independent advice to save money and reduce bills
From getting the best deal to using less energy in the first place, there’s lots of help out there.
Grants to improve energy efficiency
Government schemes can help you make your home more energy efficient for free, which really helps cut energy bills. It’s good news for the environment too, so why not see if you’re eligible?
The easiest way to see if you can get some free help to reduce energy bills is to visit the energy grants calculator here.
Citizens Advice for consumer advice
When you want impartial advice on things like switching energy provider, what to do if your power goes out, and who’s the right energy supplier for you, talk to Citizens Advice. You can see our CA scores from July - September 2024:
5th | OVO | 4.4 ★★★★☆ | 5 ★★★★★ | 2 ★★☆☆☆ | 3.6 ★★★☆☆ |
| | | | | |
This service is completely free, and totally independent. They can help you with things like:
Getting a better deal/being an energy shopper
Providing an idea of what to expect from your supplier
Advice if you’re struggling to pay your bills
Making a complaint if you feel you need to – though there’s help with that on our complaints page too.
On the phone
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
By post
Citizens Advice Consumer Service
Post Point 24 Town Hall
Walliscote Grove Road
North Somerset
BS23 1UJ
What next?
Download the Citizens Advice information flyer – in English and Welsh.