OVO account

How to use your online account

Welcome – let's show you around!

You’ll find the navigation bar on the left of your screen after you log in.


Here you'll find important info such as:

  • Your account balance.

  • Your account number.

  • Your Direct Debit details.

  • Your recent charges and payments.

With options to:

  • Change your Direct debit.

  • Manage your payments.

  • Download your latest monthly statements.


The drop-down menu lets you access your Yearly or Monthly energy use. 

Yearly usage lets you:

  • See what you've used for any year since you got your smart meter.

  • Use the back arrow at the top to see previous years' energy use.

  • Use our interactive graph to see your energy use broken down for each month.

  • Compare your energy use to one year earlier.

  • Choose to see your energy use in £ or KWh by using the button below the graph.

Monthly usage lets you:

  • See what you've used in £ and kWh for any month.

  • Use the back arrow at the top to see previous months' energy use.

  • Use our interactive graph to see your energy use broken down for each day.

  • Compare your energy use to the previous month, and to the same month last year.

  • Choose to see your usage in £ or KWh by using the button below the graph.

Billing history

Here you'll find your:

  • Charges for your energy use during the current billing period.

  • Standing charges and any upgrades.

  • Meter readings for each fuel during this period.

  • Current energy account balance.

With options to:

  • See detailed energy use and charges for the current (and previous) billing periods.

  • Download current (and previous) bills.


Here you'll find:

  • Your current account balance.

  • Your last Direct Debit payment.

  • The bank account details we hold for you.

  • Your current Direct Debit amount.

  • Recommended Direct Debit based on our predictions

  • Your current Direct Debit date.

With options to:

  • Change your Direct Debit date or amount

  • Try our handy Direct Debit calculator

  • Top up your balance by making a one-off card payment

  • Apply for a refund


On your Plan page you'll find your current OVO Energy plan for each fuel.


Here you'll find any available offers and upgrades.


Under the drop-down menu you'll find:

  • Profile.

  • Help and support.

  • Moving home.

  • Logout.

On Profile you can:

  • See the contact details we hold for you.

  • Change your account password.

  • Change your phone number, email and marketing preferences.

  • Tell us you're moving out.

On Help and Support you can:

  • Find out what to do in an emergency.

  • Contact us.

  • Report any security concerns you may have.

On Moving Home you can:

  • Tell us the date you're moving out.

Your contract and rates

You’ll see all your plan and contract details at ‘My plan’ on the Account section

You’ll be able to check your:

  • Plan name

  • Unit rate

  • Contract start and end dates

  • Standing charge

  • Exit fees (only if you’re on a fixed plan).

(If you’ve renewed, but your old contract has not yet expired we’ll show your old rates until your new contract starts.)

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Still need help?

If you have a gas leak, power cut, or Pay As You Go emergency, get emergency help.