
Setting up your gas and electricity in your new home when moving

13 May 2024 | OVO Energy

Moving home? Here’s our step-by-step guide to setting up your gas and electricity supplier.

Before you move

  1. Your first step is to contact your current electricity and/or gas supplier. You can choose to close your account, or with some suppliers, you might be able to transfer it to your new address. 
  2. Take a meter reading on your last day in your old home - your existing supplier may need it.
  3. Tell your existing supplier your new address. That way they can send you a final bill, refund anything that’s owed, and, if needed, manage the transfer of your current contract.

What do I need to cancel when moving house?

You’ll likely need to cancel all your current utility contracts when you move. Things like:

  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Broadband
  • Landline

Don’t forget to also contact your local authority to tell them you’re moving, so they can update your council tax information and send you a final bill. 

If you don’t want to take your TV license with you to your new address, you’ll need to cancel that too.

We've put together a house move checklist, so you can see all the things you need to focus on at different moments during your move at a glance. 

On moving day

We know there’s a lot to do on moving day – but there’s one really important task to add to your to-do list: make a note of the meter readings at your new home. 

Doing this will mean your first energy bill will be as accurate as possible and it’ll be one less thing to worry about later. 

To help you make sense of what could well be an unfamiliar-looking meter, we’ve put together a handy guide to reading your new meter.

After you move

  1. Once you’re in your new place, keep an eye out for the final energy bill for your old house when it arrives at your new address
  2. The final bill will explain how to wrap up your old account. If your account was in credit, you should get a refund automatically. If you ended up owing money to your old supplier, this may be taken as a single Direct Debit payment. If you have an outstanding balance that’s older than 28 days, you’ll need to clear this before you can switch.
  3. Have a read of your energy performance certificate, usually left by the seller/landlord, which contains helpful advice on how to improve your new home’s energy efficiency.

How to set up gas and electricity after you move

Work your way through the steps below, and you’ll have your energy sorted in no time.

1. Find out who supplies your energy

If you’re not sure who already supplies gas and/or electricity to your new home, we can help. First of all, read our guide to help you figure out which energy company supplies your new home

You can also find out who’s supplying your electricity by calling your local Meter Point Administration Service. And find out who supplies your gas by contacting the Meter Number Helpline on 0870 608 1524.

2. Find your meter(s)

Next, find your new meter(s) and take gas and electricity meter readings so they’re ready when your supplier asks, along with your meter numbers (see below).

3. Find your meter number(s)

Both gas and electricity meters have a supply number, which is unique to your home. You’ll need these numbers when you contact your supplier to set up your account.

For gas meters, the Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) is usually 6 to 10 digits long. You can find it on your energy bill – and if you don’t have a bill, you can ask for your MPRN from the Meter Point Administration Service.For electricity meters, the Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) is 21 digits long. It’s also on your energy bill – you can contact the supplier if you don’t have one handy.

4. Stick or switch?

Once you’ve moved into your new home, your energy supplier will need a few details before they can set up your new account.

What usually happens is that you'll automatically be placed on a standard variable contract with the company that’s been supplying your new home up until your move-in date. It’s worth checking whether that’s the currently best deal available, though.

Once you’ve weighed up the pros and cons, you can then decide if you want to stay with the same supplier or switch to a new one.

Take a little time to do some research to find the best energy deal. And it can be easier to get an energy quote online than over the phone.

Things to consider include whether to go for a fixed or variable plan, the benefits of renewable energy, contract lengths, exit fees, and company reputation.

Switching gas and electricity suppliers when moving home

Switching energy suppliers is simple and could save you money. If your new home is supplied by another company but you’d like to join OVO, we’d love to have you. Get a quote and switch online – it takes less than a couple of minutes.

If OVO is already the current supplier at your new home

If your new home is already supplied by OVO we can get you a quote right away online or by calling us when you move in on 0330 303 5063 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

We’ll need to know: 

  • The full address and postcode of your new home
  • The date you moved in
  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your phone number (either mobile or landline)
  • Your email address
  • Your Direct Debit details
  • The meter readings from when you moved in (if possible)

What to do if your new home has a prepayment meter

If your new home has a prepayment meter, the estate agent or landlord should have the key or card to top up the meter, as well as instructions.

If you’re buying the property, find out whether you can move to a standard credit meter – this will give you the option to pay by Direct Debit, or when you get your bills.If you’re renting, you can ask the landlord if you can switch to a standard credit meter, so you can pay bills every month or quarter.

Check out our guide to prepayment meters


Can OVO start supplying energy on the day I move into my new home?

We’ll start supplying you around 5 days from your contract start date. Your welcome letter or email will let you know the exact date that we’ll start supplying you. If there are unexpected problems, we’ll let you know right away and keep you posted about any new dates. You can also track your switch in your online account.

Will there be energy in my new home even though OVO hasn’t started supplying it yet?

Yes. The previous company will still be supplying energy until the switch is complete.

I'm going to pay by monthly Direct Debit for my energy with OVO. How do I pay my current supplier until you take over my supply?

About 6 weeks after we’ve taken over your energy supply, the previous supplier will send you a bill, based on the final meter readings you’ve sent them. They’ll tell you whether you can pay by cheque, card, or bank transfer. You’ll get your first OVO bill around 6 weeks after we start supplying your energy.

What do I do if I have a smart meter in my old or new home?

If you have a smart meter, you can find more info in our guide about how to switch energy suppliers with a smart meter.

I’m moving home. What do I do with my In-Home Display (IHD)?If you’re moving house, please leave your IHD at your old home for the new owners. Remember, your current IHD only works with the smart meter at your old home, so it won’t work if you remove it.

Visit our Moving Home page for any other questions related to the moving home process

1 We've planted 5 million UK trees since 2015 in schools and communities across the UK on behalf of our customers

2 Savings based on the average estimated annual cost for new OVO customers compared to their current supplier & tariff.